Update for the week of September 9th - 13th, 2019
Published on Sep 6, 2019 14:15
Welcome back!! We hope everyone had a great first week back. Once again, we will be sending out weekly updates on what will be happening in the school.
Just a reminder that if you have a criminal background check on file at school that you need to sign and return your annual declaration form to the office as soon as possible. The declaration needs to be signed in order for you to participate in any school event.
We are in search of more lunch hour supervisors. If you are wanting/able to join our team, please contact the school as soon as possible.
A reminder that the school's parking lot is closed off between the hours of 8:30 - 8:45 and 3:00 - 3:15 for school bus drop-off and pick-up.
The Kiss and Ride will be up and running again as of Monday, September 9th. We will be opening it up as of 8:45 AM OR once all buses have completed their drop-offs.
September's newsletter was sent home with students this week. Please remember to read it over as it holds some important information for the year. All newsletters can be found on the school's website.
As our school continues to grow, we are asking that all student updates (parent contact numbers, dismissal changes, etc.) be sent into the office in writing. These updates will no longer be taken over the phone. Thank you for your cooperation.
Also due to our growing school community, bus switches for any reason will no longer be granted. Our buses are at capacity and these requests will no longer be available.
Wishing everyone a great weekend!