Update for the week of September 23rd - 27th, 2019
Published on Sep 20, 2019 15:13
Here's a look at what's happening next week:
Monday, September 23rd, 2019:
Tuesday, September 24th, 2019:
Chocolate Pep rally
Book Fair opens
Wednesday, September 25th, 2019:
last day to order Hot Lunch
Open House 5 - 7 PM
Book Fair
Thursday, September 26th, 2019:
Terry Fox Run - wear red and white
Book Fair
Friday, September 27th, 2019:
PA Day (no school)
Don't forget that Open House pizza orders are due on School Day on Sunday, September 22nd.
Hot lunch orders are due on Wednesday, September 25th. All orders are to be made on School Day. No late orders will be accepted.
If you would like to volunteer in your child's classroom this year a Criminal Background Check (CBC) is required. The required forms are available at the main office. Please note if you already have a CBC on file they do expire and a declaration must be signed by September 30th, 2019 or your current CBC will no longer be valid and a new one will be required. Declaration forms were sent home in June and they can be obtained in the main office if you require a new one.
Our Terry Fox Run will be held next week on September 26th. We are asking all students to wear red and white clothing on this day. Our school goal is to raise $4000.00 or $5.00 per child for this incredible cause. To date we have raised $700.
Just a reminder that the office will not be calling any students down to be picked up until an adult is physically in the school. This ensures that the student is receiving as much instruction time as possible and not sitting in the office waiting to be picked up, instead of in the classroom, learning.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be running September 25th - 30th. Students will be able to make purchases with their class during their viewing time slot or they can make a purchase during the second nutrition break. The fair will be open during the Open House as well.
Another reminder that the parking lot is closed from 8:30 - 8:45 and again from 3:00 - 3:15 for school bus drop off and pick up. No cars will be allowed in or out during these times for the safety of the students. Thank you.
Mustang Spirit Wear is now available for purchase on School Day. Orders are open until October 11th. A sizing chart is located on the back of the form that was sent home.
Have a great weekend!